CANADIAN COUNTY BEDLAM: Photos from past Mustang vs Yukon games? Send them in

Fall Sports, Football

Trey Hunter

September 18, 2023
Former Mustang Bronco football players (L-R) James Tiger, Greg Oliver, Russell Jones, Cody Thompson, AND GW Batcheller prepare for a past installment of the Canadian County Bedlam game vs Yukon. (Photo provided by Mustang Athletic Department)

The Mustang Broncos (3-0, 0-0) and Yukon Millers (1-2, 0-0) once again battle it out for the Canadian County Bedlam crown this Friday night at Bronco Stadium.

The Mustang Sports Review wants to see YOUR photos from past games. If you have a few shots you would like to share, feel free to send them to and we will post them to the website.

Be sure to provide what year the photo is from, who is in the photo, and if you can, please provide the final score of the game.

Look for an article this week with as many photos as we can gather.

The Broncos and Millers are set to kick off at 7 p.m. on Friday night.

Check out the Mustang High School livestream at www.MHSBroncoSports.TV as play-by-play host Ryan Booth and the MSR’s Trey Hunter bring you the action live as the Broncos look to remain unbeaten against Yukon in the Lee Blankenship era.

Be sure to LIKE and FOLLOW the Mustang Sports Review Facebook page HERE. And follow us on Twitter/X and Instagram at @MustangSportsReview.

Published by trey hunter

Trey Hunter is the owner and publisher of the Mustang Sports Review. He graduated from Mustang High School in 2006 before graduating from the University of Central Oklahoma with a journalism degree in 2011. He has covered Mustang sports for multiple publications as well as high school sports and professional basketball for other outlets. Contact Trey for story ideas or reach out with information. PHONE: (405) 659-9898 EMAIL:

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